Ballet History- how well do you know Ballet history?
Quiz- 7 questions to test your knowledge of ballet history and origin.

Ballet began in which Country?

Ballet began in which Country?

King Louis XIV founded the first professional ballet company. Which one is it from the list?

King Louis XIV founded the first professional ballet company. Which one is it from the list?

When did Ballet begin?

When did Ballet begin?

Which ballerina is associated with the birth of the modern pointe shoe?

Which ballerina is associated with the birth of the modern pointe shoe?

When was the "tutu" introduced to the ballet world?

When was the "tutu" introduced to the ballet world?

Which ballet dancer choreographed the Nutcracker, Swan Lake, and Sleeping Beauty?

Which ballet dancer choreographed the Nutcracker,  Swan Lake, and Sleeping Beauty?

Which great composer wrote the music to the Nutcracker, Sleeping Beauty, and Swan Lake?

Which great composer wrote the music to the Nutcracker, Sleeping Beauty, and Swan Lake?

Ballet History- how well do you know Ballet history?

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