How well do you know Svetlana Zakharova, principal dancer of Bolshoi Ballet?
Quiz about Svetlana Zakharova, principal dancer of Bolshoi Ballet.

Can you guess what brand of pointe shoes Svetlana Zakharova uses?

Can you guess what brand of pointe shoes Svetlana Zakharova uses?

What was Svetlana Zakharova's first principal role at the Bolshoi Ballet?

What was Svetlana Zakharova's first principal role at the Bolshoi Ballet?

With which ballet company did Svetlana Zakharova first dance with at the age of 17?

With which ballet company did Svetlana Zakharova first dance with at the age of 17?

Svetlana Zakharova studied at which ballet school as a child?

Svetlana Zakharova studied at which ballet school as a child?

At what age did Svetlana Zakharova recieve her status as a prima ballerina?

At what age did Svetlana Zakharova recieve her status as a prima ballerina?

How well do you know Svetlana Zakharova, principal dancer of Bolshoi Ballet?

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